Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
At Cambridge Early Years, the Foundation Stage (KG / Reception) is for children aged three to five years old and is the first stage of their education. The key focus during this part of the national curriculum is on teaching them routine and easing them into the idea of learning in a structured environment. A lot of the learning that your child will undertake will be activity based, with more formal teaching not starting until they begin Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2).
The Foundation Stage was introduced in the 90s following lengthy research into how young children learn best, and it highlighted the need for a more, practical, experimental and activity-based form of learning to meet a young child’s needs. This may be very different from your experience of starting school. The Foundation Stage recognises that children need to be able to use concrete experiences to provide the building blocks for their learning, so with that in mind it utilises the fact that children learn through real, hand’s on activities where they can investigate, explore and experiment which consolidates and builds on their learning experiences.
At Cambridge English School , KG and Reception children will follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. This sets the standards for the learning, development and care of your child. This curriculum is based on the holistic development of your child and is based on child development milestones which allow your child to learn and progress at their own rate and in their own style recognising that each child is unique.